Friday, May 24, 2013

Roadtrip Cookies or just-to-eat peanut butter chocolate chip cookies

Whenever we had to leave for a road trip or rather any trip in India, my mom always always used to make her methi theplas. So that we have something to munch on along the way. These theplas were so good that on days when we go bored of eating outside we would eat a couple of the theplas with some tea or coffee.

Well, my theplas dont exactly taste like my mom's and they require so much effort which I am very lazy to do by myself. I decided to go ahead and make some peanut butter chocolate chip flourless cookies before we leave on our road trip to Eastern Oregon ( soo excited !!! :D ) . These cookies have no flour in them, can be made gluten free using gluten free rolled oats and are a perfect snack for the road as they have protein - peanut butter, fiber - rolled oats and are tasty - chocolate chips & vanilla ! These are so easy u must, must make them :) .

peanut butter cookies
Ohh, I love these cookies !!! 

I have adapted this recipe from the blog two peas and their pod.


* Rolled oats - 2/3 cup

* Peanut butter  - 1 cup

* Brown Sugar - 2/3 cup

* Eggs - 2

* Baking Soda - 1 tsp

* Vanilla Essence - 1- 1 1/2 tsp

Peanut butter chocolate chip cookies

This recipe will make around 12-15 medium sized cookies.

Preheat your oven to 350 F.

In a bowl mix the rolled oats and baking soda and keep aside.

In a mixing bowl add the brown sugar, eggs, peanut butter and vanilla essence and mix until everything comes together.

Add your rolled oats + baking soda mixture and mix on medium speed for 1 min.

Finally add the chocolate chips.

The mixture is quiet sticky, so you might want to use a scoop or a spoon to put them on a sheet.


Bake them for around 9 - 10 mins until they are a little brown on the edges, once you remove them from the oven they will continue to cook. Once they cool down a bit say 2 - 3 mins you can transfer them to a cooling rack and let them cool completely before you pack them for your trip !!

I hope you all have a stress-free and relaxing weekend !! Enjoy :)

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