Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Left over rice flatbread - Rice Theplas

When the sun is out in Oregon and the temp is in the mid 70's , I absolutely can't cook ! I just want to sit outside, read a book and have fun. That's the time I want to look for something quick & easy to cook. Left over rice theplas is a dish my mom used to make with left over rice or khichdi. Its a good way to use up left overs and also savor something delicious.

It was so delicious I had to take a bite :) 
Rice Theplas

Makes around 10 to 12 theplas.


Left over rice - 1/2 to 1 cup

Wheat flour - 1 cup ( use 1/4 cup at a time).

Chopped onions - 1/4 cup

Turmeric  - 1/4 tspn

Chilli powder/Cayenne pepper  - 1/4 tspn

Ginger diced - a small piece

Garlic diced - a small piece.

Coriander - washed and chopped finely

Oil - 1 tbsp.

Salt to taste

In your food processor bowl, add all the ingredients with 1/4 cup of wheat flour and pulse, then add another 1/4 cup and pulse again, do the same until all ingredients are combined. You dont need to add any water.

If you dont have a food processor just add everything to a mixing bowl and mix again with 1/4 cup of wheat flour. Keep doing this until u have a dough ball which is moist and sticky.

Put one tbsp of oil over the dough, let all the sides be covered with oil. Place it in your bowl and close it and keep aside for 10 - 15 mins.

On your stove, place your pan and heat on medium heat. Make a small lemon shaped ball of the dough and roll out until it is of medium thickness. If you have holes in your thepla because of the onions its perfectly all right.
Theplas made with leftover rice
Ready to be cooked, can u see the small grains of rice?

Cooking on the pan
Place on hot pan, after bubbles form on one side, add a tsp of oil on top and flip the thepla. Using your spatula or a ball of tissue paper, press the thepla firmly on all sides. Make sure both sides are cooked thoroughly and do not have transparent surfaces. Use a more oil if needed.

Theplas made with left over rice

Place them on a kitchen tissue and serve with chundoo, pickles or just plain yoghurt !

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