Thursday, November 29, 2012

Cucumber Cups

Cucumber Cups :) 

For halloween this year, I made these cucumber cups as an appetizer for our party. They looked good, are easy to make and are a crowd pleaser. Great for your vegan and gluten free friends . There are just three ingredients in this dish Cucumbers, Sabra brand hummus and paprika.
Oh, and I forgot to mention I had won a party pack by Sabra and so decided to make something using the hummus. I hope you do enjoy making and serving these cucumber cups to your family.

Seedless Cucumber ( peeled and cut into chunks)
Melon baller
Hummus ( I used Sabra garlic hummus)

Once you have peeled the cucumbers, and cut them into chunks, use a mellon baller to remove a small portion from the middle of the chunk and fill it with hummus. Do the same with other remaining chunks. Sprinkle paprika on the hummus to get it a twist. Your appetizer is now ready to be enjoyed.

 Do you have a special easy appetizer, that you love making and your friends enjoy? Do post your comments and feedback, I would love to know what you all think.

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