About me

Hello everyone, I am Priyanka. 

I have always enjoyed writing, food and photography. I created this blog to share what I cook and pass time when I just got married. Its almost been two years now, and I have discovered I enjoy food photography and food styling.

My experiences with people, and living in different countries has made me try and appreciate different food. My favorite food from Australia are Lamingtons and a kind of greek yoghurt we used to buy at the local farmers market which was sold fresh with berries and other toppings. 

Why I named my blog AVIAL?

Avial, is a popular South Indian dish. It is a melange of steamed vegetables, curd, coconut, green chillies and flavored with coconut oilFor me AVIAL represents a coming together of simple ingredients to create a dish full of flavor. 

I grew up in Chennai but am originally from the state of Gujarat. And now live in Portland, Oregon. So cooking to me is like creating an AVIAL, putting together different cuisines, ingredients, and spices to create one cohesive dish. 

Well and AVIAL is one of my favorite dishes. Welcome to my page, I hope you find what you are looking for here.

What kind of dishes do I like to cook?

I like expanding my culinary knowledge and skills. My goal each month is try to cook meals made completely at home from scratch. 

This summer I hope to try my hand at canning some fruits, making strawberry jam, canning tomatoes, freezing fruits and vegetables for later. I recently learn't to make Vegetable Stock, which I thought was the most difficult thing ever until I made it myself.

I like to cook healthy, and have recently discovered that healthy food does not take a long time to cook. 

Equipment I use to take pictures

I have a Canon S100 and a Canon Rebel T3 EOS 1100D.

I have been using Canon S100 for the past one year. It is a great camera, with many  functions of a DSLR. It is a great beginner camera.

Canon Rebel T3 EOS 1100D, is my new gadget and I am still learning to use it. My favorite shots are macro shots of food, where you can see the texture & color of food more closely. I also enjoy food styling and composing shots for my recipes, though am still learning and an amateur.

My favorite food photographers are : Prerna Singh of Indian Simmer , Oddur Thorisson of Manger, Sala Kannan of Veggie Belly

Contact Info:
You can reach me at bhatt.priyanka@gmail.com. I welcome your thoughts, suggestions and feedback on my page.

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